Godiag CAS2 CAS3 SER Semi Smart Test Platform is a dedicated device developed for BMW locksmiths, maintenance engineers and CAS2 / CAS3,CAS3+ CAS3++ programming engineers. It can cooperate with the key programming devices like Xhorse Key Tool Plus Pad / Xhorse vvdi 2 / bmw vvdi bim tool / CGDI BMW / Lonsdor devices, OBDSTAR devices, etc., to perform all key lost matching or key addition operations. This product is suitable for magnetic semi-intelligent or smart keys.
GODIAG BMW CAS1/CAS2 Mech-Key Test Platform is a dedicated device developed for BMW locksmiths, maintenance engineers and CAS1 / CAS2 programming engineers. It can cooperate with the key programming devices like Xhorse Key Tool Plus Pad / Xhorse vvdi 2 / bmw vvdi bim tool / Autel im608 / CGDI BMW / Lonsdor devices, OBDSTAR devices, etc., to perform all key lost matching or key addition operations. Please note that this product is only suitable for mechanical keys.